JT Blatty
May 5, 2012 - June 30, 2012

“Adaptation”, 2011, 1/20, 24” x 16”, Fossilized Rorqual or Gray Whale Outer Ear Bones, 11 thousand – 8 million years old

“Anchorage”, 2010, 1/20, 32” x 21.25”, Fossilized Giant Great White Shark Tooth, 1.81 – 23.3 million years old

“Armor 1”, 2011, 1/20, 24” x 16”, Fossilized Slider and Softshell Turtle Shell Fragments, 11 thousand – 2.5 million years old

"Armor 2”, 2011, 1/20, 18” x 12”, Fossilized Alligator Armor (Osteoderm), 11 thousand – 1.81 million years old

“Cage”, 2011, 1/20, 24” x 16”, Fossilized Mammal and Dugong Ribs, 11 thousand- 23.3 million years old

“Clutch”, 2011, 1/20, 32” x 21.25”, Fossilized Mastodon Tooth, 11 thousand – 5.8 million years old

“Converge”, 2011, 1/20, 12” x 18”, Fossilized Fish Caudal Vertebrae, 11 thousand – 23.3 million years old

“Diverge”, 2011, 1/20, 18” x 12”, Fossilized Mammoth, Mastodon, or Gomphotherium Tusk, 11 thousand – 5.8 million years old

“Equilibrium”, 2011, 1/20, 16” x 24”, Fossilized Whale Lumbar Vertebrae, 4 – 5 million years old

“Mammalian Embrace”, 2011, 1/20, 40” x 26.5”, Fossilized Baleen Whale Squamosal Skull Bone, 4 – 5 million years old

“Lineage”, 2011, 1/20, 12” x 18”, Fossilized Giant Capybara Tooth, 11 thousand – 1.81 million years old

“Linkage”, 2011, 1/20, 24” x 16”, Fossilized Giant Great White Shark Teeth, 1.81 – 23.3 million years old

“Perception 1”, 2011, 1/20, 18” x 12”, Fossilized Dolphin Inner Ear Bone, 11 thousand – 5.8 million years old

“Perception 2”, 2011, 1/20, 18” x 12”, Fossilized Sperm Whale Tooth, 4 – 5 million years old

“Perception 3”, 2011, 1/20, 18” x 12”, Fossilized Dolphin Tooth, 11 thousand – 5.8 million years old

“Respire”, 2011, 1/20, 24” x 16”, Fossilized Eagle Ray Mouthplate, 4 – 5 million years old